Table of Contents

  1. Daily COVID-19 Statistics For the Cayman Islands

  2. Daily COVID-19 Advanced Statistics for the Cayman Islands



Daily COVID-19 statistics for the Cayman Islands

The Medical Officer for Health, Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez, reports 210 COVID-19 tests have been carried out since it was last reported. All were negative.
For symptomatic patients:
10 days after symptom onset, plus at least 3 additional days without symptoms (including without fever and without respiratory symptoms). Persons will then be retested and must obtain two negative tests 24 hours apart.
For asymptomatic cases:
10 days after positive test for COVID-19. Persons will be then be retested and must obtain two negative tests 24 hours apart.

COVID19 Dashboard 9 July (1)


Daily COVID-19 Advanced Statistics for the Cayman Islands


COVID19 Dashboard 9 July (2)